Sunday, August 24, 2008

TO Titans Football and AYSO Soccer Region 9

Why is it that neither of these esteemed organizations are able to plan their seasons to make sure 'no kid is left behind'? Both organizations have a waiting list over 30 deep. Many kids wishing to play sports, gain confidence and keep busy will not be playing this year.

Seriously, did the boards not know that the kids from last year would want to play again? Where did they think they would all go? Little League seems to be able to add players, get coaches and find fields to practice. Why can't our local soccer and baseball organizations do the same?

Kids want to play sports, parents have money to shill out but they can't play because there isn't room. hmmm.........

Kim Rodriguez and the Planning Commission

We have been reading about the wedding permit debacle in Somis. It is interesting that the planning commission doesn't seem to treat all wedding locations the same. We thought we would preview the regulatons our esteemed commission is to enforce. It seems that there are several regulations openly violated in the city. One wonders why the planning commission isn't going after all the violators.

Sec. 8110-6.14 - Menu Boards for Drive-Through Restaurants
A drive-in or drive-through restaurant is permitted one menu board not exceeding 16 square feet in area, which shall not be counted toward the sign area or permitted number of signs otherwise allowed for the lot or premises.

There are several Fast Food chains on Moorpark road openly violating this regulation. Take a look at both McDonalds and Jack in the Box. Why is this unenforced but the wedding license deal enforced? I guess nobody complains if they have to view two menu boards before ordering their food.

The answer is a simple one. Are you aware that the planning commission only enforces regulations when our lovely community complains? That is right. If your lawn isn't mowed properly or your landscape clean enough and a neighbor complains they will send you violation letters. However, if you compare your landscape violation with others in the neighborhood nothing will be done until you fill out a complaint form.

So as long as the Somis gadflys continue to bitch our taxpayer dollars will be spent making sure it takes years before a permit is granted. And we thought our planning commission actually enforced the regulations.

For an interesting read take a look at the animal regulations then look around your neighborhood. We would wager a bet to say at least 25% of TO households violate that ordinance. Don't worry all you multiple animal lovers unless your neighbor complains even if they see the animals the planning commission won't do anything.

Doesn't seem quite right....... be nice to your neighbors or you might just find yourself in the Rodriguez web that is known as the Planning Commission.